Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm not tiered...I should be in bed, but no point yet. So why not blog??

Today was an OK day. Went for a nice easy 16mile run after dropping the kidos of at school, having a little nap and an early lunch. I am so in need of a massage right now. (But NO MONEY. What can I say? Moving up here drained our bank account below zero. Sooo worth it.) Being I live on a big hill surrounded by more giant hills, the only why to get in an "easy" run is to force myself to slow down or hop in a treadmill. I opted (as usual) to go slow. Not fun, but with the mountains to look at it was still quite a nice 16 miles. Only my legs are trashed!!! All the hills (mountains, actually!) I've been running have me in need of getting my legs torched by a sports therapist. I'm always a bit envious of the guys who can afford to get massages regularly, buy new running shes every 400miles, run in only non-stinky and hole free running gear, travel the world to races, drive nice cars, have an i-phone or Blackberry...but then I remind myself of why those things aren't in my life......I have 3 beautiful children who I know personally. I get to make homemade meals and bake cookies from scratch. When my house is "messy", I can still have it cleaned top to bottom in less then 3 hours. I get to run 90miles a week and still spend hours with my husband, who makes enough money to support this family of five at his 80 hours every 2 weeks, over-time free, job. Sure I drive a 2004 Torus with 3 torn up booster seats across the backseat. And ya, half my running socks have holes in them. And I promise you, you don't want sit next to me after a run. But all told, I'd pick the life I have. Who needs an i-phone when they have a man who cleans toilets and does dishes at 4 in the morning? No. I think I don't want that massage as bad as I thought I did. I'd rather have the life I have.


Daniel said...

Tell that nocturnal dish washer to give you a massage.

Raena said...

I'd give you a massage every week if I lived there. (I'm good.) :)

BUT seriously I feel the same way you do. I'm glad you put it in perspective for me though. Sometimes I get aggravated by not have as much money as I would like. But you helped me remember how richly blessed I am by staying at home and having children.

Love you!

Chris said...

Great post Melanie. It's so easy to focus on what we have rather than what we don't have and forget how blessed we are. Besides...the Tarahumara won Leadville in tire tread sandals and no socks.I also doubt if they had a massage.:-)

Moogy said...

Thanx for sharing. Need to make a change as well so I can ENJOY the things that I like to do in life and not live paycheck to paycheck. Where in CO did you move to? I recently moved from TX to Canada and miss everyone down there.