Friday, November 26, 2010

My Babies

Almost 5 months ago I injured my foot and have been unable to run. When I first had to stop all running, I thought I might go crazy. But something had been nagging on my mind even before my injury. I realized that where my spirit was and what my body did were not matching up. As much as I love running, it truly isn't what gives my the most joy and satisfaction in life. Yet I spent hours daily on improving my athletic ability and hours monthly on something that means so much more to me. Music. I decided to stop this inconstancy and spend more time on my music. The results have been thrilling. Doors are opening up in places I never expected. And I am growing tremendously as a result. Below is a link to a little video I did of me playing a song on the guitar for my kids. I know I am bad at the guitar. But I only first picked it up in September and I can play! Maybe in a few more months I will be up to ok, which is thrilling to me. This song I wrote for my babies I wrote as an exercise in song writing. I want to be a good writer, so I figure what better way to write well then to practice, right? I set my timer for 7minutes and came out with this. When my guitar skills are better, I have more songs that took more effort to write that I want to play. For now, a lot of those songs have too many chords for this newbie. :)

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