Sunday, September 30, 2007

San Antonio Marathon! Decision Made.

I have finally picked my next race. I will run the San Antonio Marathon on November 11th. Man, I'm not sure if I have ever been this pumped about running a race in my life! Here is the plan: Run the first 20 miles at a 6:43 pace and then start pushing if I can. And I think I can! Today I ran 13.1 miles in 1:27:59 no problem. It took all the will power I could muster to keep from pushing the pace, but my goal was to feel my body run 13.1 at my goal marathon pace. As soon as I hit 13.1, though, I decided to run a few fast 200s. Total time to the 14 mile mark: 1:33:30. WooHoo! Not only that, but I ran 9 miles on tough trails yesterday and then hiked for 2 hours w/ my kids. And on Friday I ran 16 miles (fairly fast) on trails. I am feeling totally ready to tackle this marathon! And if I bonk, then I bonk. I am going to go for a 2:56 marathon with the hopes of finishing faster then that!

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